Sunday, August 24, 2008

The week passes, and a new one on the horizon

It's been a good weekend, hasn't it? But then, you don't hardly see a bad one.

I went with Robert and his family to Cleburne State Park for a picnic lunch. The kids (young and older!) were able to splash in the lake a bit and play at the playground, and Robert and I found a geocache site. First one we'd found together this year. We got to the area, but the trees were making it hard to get an exact signal on the GPS. Fortunately between the clue by the person who hid the cache and Robert's eagle eyes, we were able to find it.

Angela had to go put some finishing touches on her classroom this afternoon, but I have a feeling everyone else pretty well took it easy the rest of the day. I know I got a nap in when I got home.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sue's relief method

My sister Sue has commented many times over the past several years about squeezing between the 4th and 5th toes (next to the little toe) for back pain relief. She's used it on Troy quite often with good results, having him lay down and stretch out while she squeezes the area for a minute. When Nolene and I visited a couple of months ago, I got to see in person that Nolene's back pain eased up considerably when Sue squeezed between Nolene's toes. Sue learned about this method from the book "Tai Chi in a Chair", which, along with tai chi routines, lists acupressure points that provide pain relief. (Author Cynthia Quarta, and I got a copy from Barnes and Noble in their bargain section.)

The other day I had the occasion to try it on myself. You'll notice I sad "try". When there are two people involved, it seems to go much smoother. It's hard to lay down, and with your back hurting, pull your foot up to an angle that you can grab hold real tight for a full minute. I'd barely get started when my foot would cramp from being twisted around, and I'd have to let go.

I got the book several years ago, and maybe the title worked on my subconscious, because the next morning I woke up, sat in a chair, hoisted my foot up onto my knee, and squeezed like the dickens for a full minute. By that evening after work, I had forgotten that my back was hurting that morning. Sue called to ask how I was doing (I had emailed her in the middle of my misery), and that jogged my memory of the earlier discomfort.

All of this has prompted me to pull out my book again. I hadn't read it completely to begin with, but it's on my nightstand now, ready for my attention.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday morning sunshine

I got out and mowed the lawn this morning, did some edging, and pulled a few weeds. When I got to the lone little planting area in the yard to clean it up a bit, I was hit by the pungent aroma and realized it was quite enjoyable. The old axiom we've heard over the years is true. You need to take time to stop and smell the flowers. Yes, there are always a few deadheads in our gardens, but we need to appreciate and enjoy those who bloom.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

on an even keel

Life's about back to normal, whatever that may be. The baseboards are coming along, and the living room project is about to wrap up. Yesterday I finished the valance of the window treatment for the living room...unless I decide to change. I used cloth napkins in striped autumn colors, folded back one edge on 4 of them and stitched them down so the curtain rod could slide through, and folded 3 solid color napkins in triangles to drape over the 4. Hard to tell, but the triangle napkins have leaves on them in the same color thread. I'll live with it awhile and see if it suits me.

Made a little progress on the California quilted wall hanging. I've figured out how many 2 1/2" squares to cut out (about 175) as well as 20 or so slightly larger squares for the half and quarter square triangles, and have the design on graph paper. I'll get with Bonnie and see what she wants for the background color, and go from there.

Another little project on my to-do list is to finish the binding for my Christmas quilt. It got set to the side with the move, but I plan on it being usable through the holidays.

That's it for now. It's nice there are always things to do. It's time to worry when there's not!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today went by quick

A busy day today. I started off putting a couple of coats of paint on some of the baseboards, 6 of the 10. I propped three on two chairs, and three on some bricks. Then I took my little rolly garden cart, and rolling in between the two sets, went up one side painting one set, then turned facing the other direction to paint the other set. Rather nifty, if I do say so myself.

I had thoughts of mowing the back yard but it was too stinkin' hot. And I knew I was limited on time because I had a funeral to go to.

The funeral was for a retired co-worker, Kenneth Matheson, a good man. My friend Toni and I rode down to Waco for the service, then on to China Springs for the graveside. Rest in peace, Ken.

On the way to Waco, since it was a 2:00 service, we stopped in Hillsboro to eat at MiMi and Papa's Place, a terrific little diner just a block from the courthouse. Another retiree from the City and his wife (she's a former dispatcher), James and Arlynda, have opened up the restaurant, and it was doing a good business. No wonder, the food was terrific. They serve the breakfast and lunch crowd, from 6:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except on Fridays. I think they have all you can eat catfish on Friday nights, but don't quote me on that, and they close at 8:00 p.m. I recommend it to any who happen to be in the area.

That's about it for now. Need to decide if I'm going to the grocery store tonite or early in the morning, I've got family coming for lunch tomorrow. Yummm, burgers and hot dogs!