Thursday, November 14, 2013

bunco and quilting

My Bunco group met Tuesday night at my house, and as usual we had a great time.  This was one of those nights when everyone was there.  Let's face it, trying to get 12 people together every month can sometimes be a challenge as life can get in the way.  When the need arises, we get subsitutes and keep playing. Since we had everyone, I wanted to get pictures of the group.  So here we are!

And what was on the menu, you ask?  Inquiring minds always want to know.  I got some sliced beef from Spring Creek BBQ, and the ladies had the option of a plate dinner or sandwiches.  I  made some baked beans and potatoes au gratin, along with deviled eggs.  Dessert was a cherry danish, using my friend Judy's recipe.   We also had some munchies of seasoned oyster crackers and M&M's.  We eat first, then the games begin. 

The Bunco mug rug consolation prize was won by Lisa (top picture on the far left).

I made another paper-pieced block, this time a squirrel.  It went together well, but after it was together I could tell the medium brown fabric blended in with the background quite a bit.  What do you think?
So then I got the bright idea (well, stole the bright idea) of using something to give definition to the outline.  I used a pigma pen.   Don't know if the picture shows really well, but it does stand out a bit more.  And where did I steal the idea?  If you remember, I brought home a ton of magazines from a garage sale last weekend, and this idea was in one of them.
That medium brown fabric is a piece that my sister Sue gave me years ago, and was also used several years ago in this next piece you'll see. Its the background the moose is standing on.  Its always fun to make something with those pieces that you can make a personal connction with.
Speaking of sister Sue, today happens to be her birthday!  You might want to hop over to her blog and tell her happy birthday yourself!  She always likes visitors.  :)

Have a good day everyone...and happy birthday Sue!

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