I've been participating in a secret sister swap this year. This time it was a bit different in that we swapped quarterly instead of monthly, and it worked out well. Monday I got my "reveal" package...and my secret sister has been Kentucky Sunshine, Trish in Australia!
Trish has such a loving and giving nature. She's been in Australia several years, moving from Kentucky. She and her husband have a young son, and it's fun to read of their adventures in the land "down under". She's a talented lady. Take a look at what she sent, much of it hand made.
The teapot trivet and 6 coasters...handmade!
The Christmas stocking, needle case, clown pin cushion...all hand made! She didn't have time to embellish the stocking, so I'll work on that myself, but she got the hard part done.
These last two pictures show the wonderful sewing caddy she made to put over the arm of my easy chair. I think she must have an embroidery machine...really pretty work. Each side has pockets...one big one behind the sewing machine, and 5 on the other side, and there's a pin cushion on top. Elizabeth mentioned it could also hold my remote controls. Not a bad idea. :)
I talked to Trish last night, and she's been working on the gifts throughout the year. Since she's far away, her quarterly gifts were via internet shopping, so her handmade items were waiting for the reveal package. I'm tickled with it all. :)
Along the lines of spreading Christmas cheer, I decided I'd make some cookies for the garbage pickup crew. They've been especially helpful this year with the tree limbs, as well as any other unusual items I'd set out. Yesterday was trash pickup day, so I put the cookies in the oven nice and early, and had them ready and waiting. The big truck pulled up in front, and I stepped out and handed them the little bag telling them "Merry Christmas". As the truck pulled away with a perky little toot of the horn, I noticed the trash was left. Huh? Turns out it was the recycling truck! Ah well. I bagged up the rest of the cookies, and added a bit of fudge, and gave them to the garbage crew a little later. Everyone can use a little cheer, right?
I may or may not post again before the big day, so I'll go ahead and say "Merry Christmas" to one and all.