Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday morning sunshine

I got out and mowed the lawn this morning, did some edging, and pulled a few weeds. When I got to the lone little planting area in the yard to clean it up a bit, I was hit by the pungent aroma and realized it was quite enjoyable. The old axiom we've heard over the years is true. You need to take time to stop and smell the flowers. Yes, there are always a few deadheads in our gardens, but we need to appreciate and enjoy those who bloom.


David said...

That's funny because I always plant these around my vegetables not so much for the flowers but because bugs stay away due to the smell.

elsie123 said...

You notice I did say "pungent"!

David said...

lol...but you also said it was "quite enjoyble". haha

elsie123 said...

Ah, it's enjoyable in that you're using your senses, experiencing the moment. I know, getting kind of deep!