Thursday, May 19, 2011

a momentous week

Some weeks seem to rock along and nothing special happens.  This week comes along, and it's hopping.

Rhett lost his first tooth!  He's 6, and I'd say he's right on time.  Won't be long and there could easily be two front teeth missing.
 And Angela had a birthday this week.  She's a great daughter-in-law, and terrific wife and mother.  I'm glad she's part of my family.

My chaste trees are blooming.  I have three...this one, one by the mailbox, and one in the backyard.  Love their purple/lavender blooms.  Typically I get 2-3 blooms per year, so I enjoy them when they come.

Then tonite Ashlynn had her pre-school graduation.  Yep, moving up to Kindergarten in the Fall.  Where does the time go?

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